Wednesday, June 05, 2024





Tuesday, May 21, 2024



                  Juan Mershawn                                                                                             image:  Daily Mail

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Choice of Words ---- Read between the Lines

 When you hear Democrats and their Fake News     image:  RadarOnline

  speak of "Democracy" and "Loss of Democracy", we can absolutely be sure their definition of that word is rather "Dictatorship".  Their Loss of "Dictatorship", which they Love and Want to See more of It!     
They Change Words Around

Thursday, May 09, 2024

fill in the blank

                                                                                                                   image: Fox News

When you see a Democrats Lips Moving, you know he's  ______ ?

Friday, February 16, 2024

A letter I sent to my Missouri Lawmakers

  President Trump is Right, We are being Ruled by Stupid People.  

 I've just been reading the internet to discover what happened in KC at the Chiefs Celebration, when gunfire erupted.    I read this on an AP article:   "In Missouri, authorities have 24 hours to prosecute individuals suspected of a crime before they must be released from custody."    
   I'm asking / demanding from You as a Missouri Lawmaker; How can anything be sorted out about the crime of Murder or any crime for that matter within only 24 hrs ?    Then what ?    Just let the Perpetrators Loose to go and hide and leave Justice undone ?    
   Right now I think only one Kansas Citian has died, could be more coming.    
  If anyone discharges a weapon and it kills a person, that's murder, whether they intended to or not, because the gun doesn't think, People have to.    And, age or mental competency doesn't matter; that murderer can and does comprehend 'pulling the trigger'.  
   I believe in an Eye for an Eye or better yet a Death for a Death !   So far only one death of the Woman.   So, 'One' must be Put to Death, an Execution in Missouri (as long as it's clear, Who did the Killing).   The Murder Rate WILL GO DOWN !     Juvenile or Adult, that doesn't matter!     Missourians Blood continues to be on Your Hands and Our Assembly, unless better Laws are Enacted !!!
     Exsanguination, is a humane way to do an Execution !     Just put them to Sleep and Turn Them over to the Undertaker .

Friday, February 02, 2024

For Foreign Policy and the Mideast, What is Best for the U.S.

 First of all, Israel does not 'Need' the USA or anyone to Survive !     These are the "Last Days" and God Almighty will not allow Israel to disappear at this point, No Way No How !!     Yet of course HE is not done testing / purifying her.   The thing about that however is HE always Judges all the rest of us Gentile Nations MORE than HE does Israel !     So things on this Planet will become HORRIFIC for those that are still surviving into September 2033, beyond the 'Mid-Tribulation' Rapture. 
  I have come to these conclusions by reading and studying the old and new Testaments of the Bible !  You will also have to read it yourself; I'm not going to try to embellish on it all in this blog-post.
     My dates may be off and the End will occur actually sooner than I've anticipated.  But for now I'm saying Jesus' feet will touch down on the Mount of Olives in the Spring of 2037.
     Anyway for now, if our troops are being killed in the Mid-East, We can simply remove them out of there.  The best thing would be to make it known to the Israeli Leadership that We are Strongly behind them and just simply do what they would ask of US.  Nothing More.    We certainly ought not try to tell Israel what to do, such as Joe Biden is doing.   Our Support for Israel is Our Strongest Suit.  Also unlike what the Democratic Party does is make Russia out to be a 'Boogeyman'.    We are still within Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD).  How can anyone mess this one thing up ?
    So We ought be constantly negotiating with Russia to try to keep our Nuclear Weapon Systems from going off Automatically, because Russia-Turkey-Iran-Libya will invade Israel and Israel will have to Launch their Nukes to avoid annihilation.   Read Ezekiel 39.


Saturday, July 29, 2023



The New York Times 

The recent discussion about how old should WE allow our Congress People to be, is all solved if WE Adopt Term Limits.  Those we are Concerned about would simply no longer be around.

    Four Terms is Right !   Eight years in the House total and Twenty-four for Senators. 
No more do-nothing Reps taking up
Decades !    
    Yet if anyone would choose to Run for the first time at age seventy, etc.  Fine!
Sadly this would be only one change that needs to be made to the Constitution and Laws.   Appears it will take a Con-Con to achieve.