Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to Bring Gasoline Way-Down.

We have no leadership in the USA! Our elected officials are suppose to watch out for the General Welfare of the People! Because of the effect the private campaign financing system that has evolved, our leadership now consists of the 'Take the Money & Run' type personalities. Why would our leaders allow gasoline prices to get out of hand like it has, and we're being told by them, "You peons have seen nothing yet"! Either they are complete morons (and can't figure out how to solve the problem), or they are pocketing somehow the money we are paying at the pump or are already so wealthy that the gasoline prices haven't pinched them yet, and are buying into Al Gore's preaching that the U.S. must lead by example and force gas prices so high that the peons can't pollute the planet anymore. What they don't see in that regard is that the other nations don't operate the same as the U.S. and Americans are left bearing the pain at the pump when others are drilling and refining more of their own oil. But the Eco-Loonies(they believe they are going to save their own skin at the expense of everyone Else's) are running America and the World following, into the ground! These prices not only effect our personal auto budgets, but will begin a irreversible snowball effect raising every thing involving travel and transport, which is just about the price of everything. That will then weaken our ability to wage overseas military operations. Thus localized warfare will begin to spread across the globe as no superpower will be around to police such situations. With local warfare comes the inability to plant and grow crops. Famine will result. I mentioned our political campaign & election system is now completely eroded from within, and we are getting the kind of politicians that only know how to raise instant cash and spend it foolishly. Not the type of Common Sense people that know basic right from wrong, and stick to it! As an example of the foolish type of thinkers we now have in our legislatures, most will jump on any idea whether they have tied to think it through or not, only if it is the latest fad idea, or if it will somehow fill their pocketbook, no matter if it is right or wrong. For example, recently most every legislator jumped on this bandwagon of 'putting food down inside some fuel-tank or another'. They all praised it and took credit for it. I ran for office myself (I didn't have money to spend on yard signs & radiomercials, etc.), but told my audience that was a damn stupid idea of taking our God given produce and sticking it into a contraption to make it go up in flame in an instant. Whereas the purpose of the sustenance of the ground, sunshine, and rain the Lord gives us is for our bodies fuel alone. Now look what's happening. The cost of food is moving up & up because these moron legislators are only out for the buck, and are not of the mind to do right from wrong. As well, using extensive acreage of arable land for the inexhaustible appetite of the Internal Combustion Engine will wear out the soil so much more rapidly, it may not be good for growing 'anything' within fifteen years, resulting in more famine (and deaths worldwide and here in the U.S.) Don't laugh, I'm telling you so. How to bring down gasoline prices, so that inflation on everything doesn't throw the planet into war & starvation within Fifteen years; Well I will tell you: Common Sense that isn't so common these days. #1 Do not give government subsidies or tax-breaks to already rich Oil Business People. #2 Deregulate the whole Energy field (allow the market place-engine to work) and remove disincentive rules and laws to refining, drilling, exploration. #3 When we are dead out of oil, alright then worry, but until that point don't tell the people we are, and don't act falsely like we are. #4 Give no foreign aid to(except for natural disasters) , borrow money from, or sell military items to governments that are not democratic and do not extend human rights (As are in Our Bill of Rights, especially Religion, Speech, & Assembly) to it's Citizens. Kowtowing to Saudi Arabia, and the like will only come back on us in a big, bad way. As it is already doing, IE. 9-11, Iraq war, etc.. #5 Accommodate the Caribou, as best as possible and drill in ANWR. Build new Refineries. I live in NW Missouri, and it's said a large oil reservoir is under here. It's everywhere, we are not running out! But, open up the marketplace (not try & force it in one way or another) and it will solve our energy problems all by itself, with every new invention, resource, etc.. #6 Let's change our election system, so it can work for and not against us (this controls everything about our society). We can no longer put every elected office up for the highest bidder to take and use as their own private possession. The playing field Must be Level! Have office seeking candidates be chosen at random (form of sortition) for a predetermined number to appear on the ballot. Then all given equal media coverage run by an independent state agency, so everyone rich or poor is on an equal footing. Our generation Must make this advance on the road of democracy. {read blog entry Oct. 26, 2009 - Public Sponsored Election Campaigns} #7 During the administration of Andy Jackson was the only time in our history when we had zero national debt. Yet now it is at a point where inflation can not be held back. THE GOAL of our next Congress, President, Supreme Court, States, and All The People MUST BE to Pay Down steadily, consistently, reliably, over time, until it is GONE. If we Do not right away, we will have Dooddly-Squat to say on the World Scene very Soon. The Baby Boomers have been Coddled since we drew our first air; however, those of us that are set for life by this time must be taxed, and taxed well. The poor of our nation are not going to provide the funds to save our culture. I support a true proportional income tax, (so-called fair sales tax is completely regressive) where ALL individuals rich or poor (no tax on business or organizations) are taxed at the same percentage on their total yearly increase. No exemptions, shelters, etc., etc.. You, whoever you are in charge, I have this to say to you: Crime Never Pays